Sitemap & RSS Feed Tags
Issue 16: A story of distributions
Designing data intensive applications (reading)
Issue 14: Market yourself, ACID transactions in DeltaLake, OpenSource and Bayesian ABTests
Contributing to open source is not what I thought it was
Overview of Bayesian AB Tests
Issue 13: Kubernetes and DevOps concepts
Kubernetes - Be sure of being ready for real zero downtime deployment
Issue 12: Bayesian AB Tests
Issue 11: Machine Learning Design Patterns
Issue 10: Challenges in Deploying Machine Learning
Different ways to tackle the data labelling bottleneck in machine learning
Issue 9: Code standardization, container orchestration, lakehouse, cats: concepts needed to productionalize machine learning models
Machine Learning Design Patterns
Your cat might be better than focus
Issue 8: Code standardisation and MLOps seen by Databricks
Issue 7: Recommendation systems and data engineering jobs
How can you connect to MLFlow registry remotely?
Issue 6: The past, present and, future of AI and ML
Comparison of different tools to do unit tests for data
Issue 5: Resources to get started with Kubernetes
A banal machine learning system where interpretability and explainability matter
Issue 4: Resources to get an overview of a machine learning project
A bug in data science
Issue 3: Feature store, weird chatbot, XGboost for Spark and Airflow in Amazon
The hidden face of sexism
Four mistakes I've done in my career
Issue 2: Unit tests for data, Data + AI summit, etc
Unit tests for data
Alibi-detect for data drift detection
Model drift or how the pandemic killed thousands of predictive systems
Issue 1: Data versioning, tips for Pytest, freelancing, etc
The art of being right in your job
How to win friends and influence people: a disappointing reading
Failure is not what you think it is
DataOps and MLOps: what is the difference between these two concepts?
Stay focus with Pomodoro
Data drift monitoring: hypothesis tests or statistical distances?
Doing web without JavaScript, HTML nor CSS for data science
Different ways to do data versioning
Do data scientists act crazy?
Is meritocracy possible? Is meritocracy acceptable? Answers from the book 'The rise of the meritocracy'
Getting started with MLeap and Scikit-Learn
How do I test with Apache Spark?